EST. 2006
The story of TBaar started in Brooklyn, New York City in 2006 when Founder and CEO Gary Lin opened the first store at Brooklyn. Since then, the brand has grown at a steady pace, with over 50+ stores in 10+ states nowadays.

Story Continues...
As trends in the bubble tea market come and go, we maintain the highest standard: ingredients directly from Taiwan and a skilled team to brew the highest quality tea that can be both thirst-quenchering and a rewarding sweet treat.
Now, with over 15 years of experience in serving delicious tea to customers across the United States, we are evolving to the next phase of TBaar. Creativity is celebrated and talents are nurtured.
Adapting a new slogan of ‘creativiTEA is Brewing’, we strive to embrace vibrant colors in the TBaar experience to create a young, fun, and energetic ambiance. As true believers of no limitation in creativity, we keep the spirits high through drink innovations and partnerships with the creative forces.